Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Measure of Truth

So, the conversation around the water cooler these days is whether, to borrow a line from a Disney movie, all dogs go to heaven. Actually, it's not really about dogs, but about all of creation. Here's the question: are only human beings redeemed, or is all of creation redeemed?

A certain rather famous Dominican, drawing from Aristotelian biology, reflected that, although all animals have souls, only the human animal has a rational soul, and only rational souls can subsist without bodies. Ergo, sorry Fido.

But, some of us have argued, what about the lion lying down with the lamb? Isn't there something about this famous eschatological image that seems to promise that animals are part of the restoration? Isn't all creation groaning, yearning for its healing?

No, the Thomists have answered. Those are metaphors. What are you, a fundamentalist?

Well, I think that if it comes down to Thomas or the Bible, I will take the Bible. But I have to say that I like to image that they are more sympatico than not.

It's also more than a little disconcerting--and I've witnessed it twice now--to watch a Thomist completely dismiss the Bible insofar as it may seem to be different from Thomas. It's clear what the measure of truth is around here.


Anonymous said...

Have to agree that if it's between Thomas and the Bible, you have to go with the Bible (I know that'll come as a shock to you :). Nevertheless, I'm not so sure you have to choose between the two in this case. Check out qq. 74 and 91 in the Supplement to the Tertia Pars. (I've looked at these many a time, as this is a personal soapbox of mine.)

Anonymous said...

LOL! You've been hanging around us Protestants too much, Danedy!

But, yes, there are times when I think even the blessed theologian sided with Aristotle against the Bible to his detriment. (The whole women-are-birth-defects thing still gets me.)

danedy said...

Interesting comments, which I'm guessing aren't really related, as I think Augustine and Aristotle both thought that women were basically birth defects. And, although nothing biblical puts it that way, there are some clear moments where it would seem to support such a description.